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  • Author: Yiqing Ma (Hongkong University of Science and Technology )
  • Deep Learning , Course

Course info




  • Class participation: 10%
  • In-class presentation: 15%
  • Homework: 30%
  • Final project: 45%


  • Week 1-2

    Overview of Deep Learning: Architecture, Losses, and Optimization

  • Week 3-4

    Convolutional Neural Networks: Dilated Convolutions, ResNet, Perceptual losses

  • Week 5

    Deep 3D Vision: PointNet++, OctNet, Tangent convolutions

  • Week 6-7

    Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph Processing and Optimization

  • Week 8-9

    Sequential Modelling and Signal Processing: RNN, LSTM, TCN, and WaveNet

  • Week 10-11:

    Generative Models: GAN, Pix2pix, CycleGAN, CRN, VAE

  • Week 12-13:

    Final project presentation and project report due


Depth: Repeated Composition

1st hidden layer - contour

Visible layer - pixel layer

Most node are represented in tensor => so called tensorflow

ML and AI:

Deeplearning example :MLPs

Representation learning example: Shallow autoencoders

Machine Learning example:Logisti regression

AI example:Knowledge bases

Historical trends: growing datasets It make deep learning works

Solving Object Recognition

Linear Algebra:

  • Matrices
  • Identity Matrix
  • Systems of Equations Ax = b
  • Matrix Inversion
  • Norms
  • Special Matrices and Vectors
    • unit vector
    • symmetri matric
    • orthogonal matrix
  • Eigendeomposition
    • Eigenvalue
    • effect of Eigenvalue
  • Moore-penrose pseudoinverse

    least square solution

  • Computing the pseudoinverse
  • Trace
    • compute the value
  • Learning linear algebra
  • Probability Mass Function
  • Variance and Covariance
    • softmax->probability
  • Bernouli Distribution
  • Gaussian Distribution
  • More Distribution
    • Laplace